REVO, the most representative custom shop in Taiwan, was founded in 1999, specializing in customizing high performance Mitsubishi cars. Our services included interior and exterior customization and performance improvement. We restarted in 2009 and officially established REVO-CYCLES in 2010, switching our focus to customizing Metric bikes. We have maintained a credible relationship with our contract suppliers for the past decade, giving us a great advantage in developing exhaust system, cooling system and CNC products. Presently, Suzuki M103R is our target model, and we have developed a series of products for it. We are different from ordinary manufacturers. We start our product development from owning the bike, riding the bike, in order to understand what the rider needs and what the original design lacks, and then uses what we have learned from the bike to produce our products.
We have a shop in Taiwan that allows us to accumulate practical experiences while satisfying our customers. In the meantime, we provide our products to customers all over the world. We welcome you to become a REVO-CYCLES user, and if you have any idea or opinion for us, be sure to let us know. Just send us a mail and tell us. We appreciate any information you provide. Last but not least, if you are seeking for business partnership, please feel free to contact us as well.
REVO-CYCLES ~~~Custom your bike. Custom your life. by Rainey Yang
REVO成立於1999年,專精於三菱性能車改裝,不論外觀、內裝、性能,是台灣最具代表性的改裝專門店。我們於2009年重新出發,在2010年正式成立REVO-CYCLES,專精Metric bike改裝。我們在過去十年累積非常好的上游廠商人脈,因此對於我們現在的排氣系統、冷卻系統以及CNC產品等研發,都有過人的優勢。目前我們以Suzuki的M109R為代表性的研發對象,開發出一系列的改裝部品。我們不同於一般的生產工廠,我們是實際擁有一台車,去了解騎士需求,以及原廠設計上的不足,進而提出改善方案然後變成商品。
REVO-CYCLES ~~~改裝你的車,同時也改變了你的生活。 by 雷尼